Sunday, May 19, 2013

Not So Happy lil Follicles

The last week has been filled with blood tests and ultrasounds and all has been leading up to when my body is ready for the “harvesting.” Sounds so invasive and scary when I use that word. HA! DUN DUN DUN! After my last ultrasound they told me that my right ovary was producing many follicles but the left was not at all. We barely saw any on the monitors and that was concerning. The Bellingham clinic informed me that I needed to go see SRM right away and get the final word from the doctors. Great! More Ultrasounds and blood work on Sunday May 19th. SRM determined the same thing. Righty was doing its job and we saw LOTS of follicles on the monitors but Lefty was difficult to find in general and also had like 2 follicles which was concerning. Those silly ovaries have been giving us all a scare that they are not producing as they should and not responding to all the shots. Dr Lin determined though that my body was as ready as it would ever be and we should schedule the retrieval appt for Tuesday.



Deep breaths—ready to be done dreaming…

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